How to Dispute Credit Report Errors - NerdWallet (2024)

Errors on your credit reports can cause your credit scores to be lower than they should be, which can affect your chances of getting a loan or credit card and how much interest you pay. Disputing credit report errors and getting those negative items removed can be a quick route to a better score.

Here's how to dispute credit report errors and have them removed in four steps.

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How to Dispute Credit Report Errors - NerdWallet (1)

1. Check all three credit reports for errors

You’re entitled to free weekly credit reports from the three major credit reporting bureaus: Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. Request them by using

There may be small differences among your reports, because some creditors don’t report your account activity to all three bureaus. But if negative information has popped up on one report, it’s wise to see whether it’s also on the other two.

There is no cost to dispute credit report errors, and you can dispute as many items as you like. Filing a dispute does not hurt your credit score, but the result of the dispute may have an effect on your score.

Which credit report errors should you dispute?

The most concerning errors are those that could hurt your scores or suggest identity theft. Those include:

  • Wrong account status (such as a payment mistakenly reported late when you paid on time).

  • Negative information that's too old to be reported; most derogatory marks on your credit must be removed after seven years.

  • An ex-spouse incorrectly listed on a loan or credit card.

  • Wrong account numbers or accounts that aren’t yours.

  • Inaccurate credit limits or loan balances.

  • Accounts you don't recognize.

  • Addresses where you've never lived.

If you suspect your identity has been stolen, follow the steps to report identity theft.

Which credit report errors aren't worth disputing?

Small errors that don’t affect your score — like a misspelled former employer name or an outdated phone number — don’t hurt anyone’s assessment of your creditworthiness and aren't worth disputing.

And sometimes a negative mark might surprise you but is not an error. If it’s accurate, don't use the dispute process. Instead, try to resolve the problem directly with the creditor. For example, if you accidentally missed a payment, contact the creditor, arrange to pay up and ask if it will rescind the delinquency so it no longer appears on your reports.

The credit agencies are not obligated to investigate "frivolous" claims.

🤓Nerdy Tip

You can request your credit report in Spanish directly from each of the three major credit bureaus:· TransUnion: Call 800-916-8800.· Equifax: Visit the link or call 888-378-4329.· Experian: Click on the link or call 888-397-3742.

🤓 Consejo NerdyUsted puede solicitar una copia de su informe crediticio (gratis y en español) de cada una de las tres principales agencias de crédito:· TransUnion: Llame al 800-916-8800.· Equifax: Visite el enlace o llame al 888-378-4329.· Experian: Haga clic en el enlace o llame al 888-397-3742.

2. Gather materials to dispute errors

Your goal is to make it as easy and quick as possible for investigators to confirm that your complaint is valid. Depending on the error, the things you gather to support your case could include:

  • Copies of credit card statements or loan documents

  • Copies of bank statements

  • Copies of birth or death certificates, or a divorce decree

  • If you've reported identity theft, include a copy of your FTC complaint or police report.

Documentation to provide for your dispute

In addition to the above, you'll need to provide:

  • Proof of identity

  • Your Social Security number and date of birth

  • A copy of government-issued identification (such as driver’s license or passport)

  • Your current address and past addresses going back two years

  • A copy of a utility bill or bank or insurance statement that includes your name and address

3. Dispute credit report errors

All three bureaus have an online dispute process, which is often the fastest way to fix a problem, or you can write a letter. You can also call the credit bureaus, but you may not be able to complete your dispute over the phone. Here's information for each bureau:

How to dispute Equifax credit report errors

  • Write to Equifax, P.O. Box 740256, Atlanta, GA 30374-0256.

  • Call 866-349-5191 and follow the prompts to speak to an agent.

  • See our guide on how to dispute your Equifax credit report for details.

How to dispute Experian credit report errors

  • Write to Experian National Consumer Assistance Center, P.O. Box 4500, Allen, TX 75013.

  • Call 866-200-6020 to see if your dispute can be resolved by phone.

  • See our guide on how to dispute your Experian credit report for details.

How to dispute TransUnion credit report errors

  • Use the TransUnion dispute online help page.

  • Write to TransUnion LLC, Consumer Dispute Center, P.O. Box 2000, Chester, PA 19016.

  • Call 800-916-8800 and have a copy of your TransUnion credit report handy; the representative will need the file number.

  • See our guide on how to dispute your TransUnion credit report for details.

How to check with the data furnisher

When you file a dispute, the Federal Trade Commission suggests also informing the company that provided the data to the credit bureaus, such as a bank, lender or card issuer, in writing. These sources of information are known as furnishers. Notifying the data furnisher may cause them to proactively stop reporting the inaccurate information to the credit bureau, although that's not guaranteed.

Send the letter to the company using the address it listed on your credit report. If there is no address listed, ask the company for one.

The FTC notes on its website: "If the provider continues to report the item you disputed to a credit reporting company, it must let the credit reporting company know about your dispute. And if you are correct — that is, if the information you dispute is found to be inaccurate or incomplete — the information provider must tell the credit reporting company to update or delete the item."

Frequently asked questions

How do you dispute something on your credit report?

You can dispute credit report errors by gathering documentation about the error and sending a letter to the credit bureau that created the report. All three credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, have an online dispute process, which is often the fastest way to fix a problem.

Can disputing hurt your credit?

Filing a dispute with the credit bureaus has no impact on your score. If the information on your credit reports changes as a result of the dispute, however, that could affect your score (either positively or negatively).

How do I dispute all three credit bureaus?

All three bureaus have an online dispute process, which is often the fastest way to fix a problem, or you can write a letter. You can also call, but you may not be able to complete your dispute over the phone.

4. Review the response to your dispute

The credit bureaus must investigate your dispute and then tell you the outcome in writing. Under most circ*mstances, the bureaus have to respond within 30 days.

If the credit bureau agrees it's an error

The bureau will remove the item and send you a new copy of your credit report. Review the new report to make sure it's right.

You can request that the bureau communicate the correction to anyone who received your report in the past six months. If anyone requested your credit for employment purposes in the last two years, you can ask for a corrected copy to be sent to them.

If the credit bureau disagrees

The bureau — or the furnisher — may disagree that the item is a mistake and refuse to remove it.

If you’re sure the item on your report is incorrect, it’s time to take it to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Explain what you’re disputing and provide copies of your proof. The CFPB will look into it, and you can follow progress with the email updates it sends or by logging in to the website.

I'm an expert in personal finance, particularly in the area of credit reporting and scores. My extensive knowledge is grounded in a comprehensive understanding of credit reporting mechanisms, credit scoring algorithms, and the intricate processes involved in disputing credit report errors.

The article you provided offers valuable insights into disputing credit report errors, a critical aspect of maintaining a healthy credit profile. Here's a breakdown of the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Impact of Credit Report Errors: Errors on credit reports can lead to lower credit scores, affecting the ability to secure loans or credit cards and influencing interest rates. Addressing these errors promptly is crucial for maintaining a favorable credit standing.

  2. Importance of Checking Credit Reports: Regularly checking credit reports from the three major credit bureaus—Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion—is essential. Utilizing the free weekly reports available through allows individuals to identify and dispute errors.

  3. Types of Credit Report Errors to Dispute: Not all errors are equally significant. The article highlights key errors that should be disputed, including wrong account status, outdated negative information, incorrect personal information, and signs of identity theft.

  4. Errors Not Worth Disputing: Minor errors, such as misspelled names or outdated contact information, may not impact creditworthiness and might not be worth disputing. Additionally, accurate negative marks should be resolved directly with creditors rather than through the dispute process.

  5. Gathering Materials for Disputes: To support a dispute, individuals should collect relevant documentation, such as credit card statements, loan documents, and proof of identity. This ensures a smoother and more efficient resolution process.

  6. Disputing Credit Report Errors: The article outlines the steps to dispute errors with each credit bureau—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. This includes online dispute processes, letter writing, and contact information for each bureau.

  7. Checking with Data Furnishers: In addition to disputing with credit bureaus, individuals are advised to inform the data furnishers (e.g., banks, lenders) about the dispute. This step may prevent the inaccurate information from being reported in the future.

  8. Impact on Credit Score: Filing a dispute itself does not harm credit scores. However, changes to the credit report resulting from the dispute may affect the credit score, either positively or negatively.

  9. Reviewing Dispute Responses: Credit bureaus are obligated to investigate disputes and respond within 30 days. If the bureau agrees it's an error, the item is removed. If there's disagreement, individuals can escalate the matter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

  10. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): In cases where credit bureaus or furnishers disagree with the dispute, individuals can turn to the CFPB for further resolution. The CFPB will investigate and provide updates on the progress.

Understanding these concepts is essential for anyone looking to maintain or improve their credit health by addressing and correcting errors on their credit reports. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification on any aspect, feel free to ask.

How to Dispute Credit Report Errors - NerdWallet (2024)


How to Dispute Credit Report Errors - NerdWallet? ›

You can dispute credit report errors by gathering documentation about the error and sending a letter to the credit bureau that created the report. All three credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, have an online dispute process, which is often the fastest way to fix a problem.

How do I dispute an error on my credit report? ›

If you discover errors on your credit report, gather any supporting documents and include them with a letter disputing the error. Then send it to: The credit reporting agency whose report you are disputing. The company that provided the incorrect information.

How do I fix my credit report inaccuracy? ›

You should dispute with each credit bureau that has the mistake. Explain in writing what you think is wrong, include the credit bureau's dispute form (if they have one), copies of documents that support your dispute, and keep records of everything you send.

What is a 623 dispute letter? ›

A 623 dispute letter is a written communication submitted to a credit bureau, typically by a consumer, to dispute inaccuracies or discrepancies in their credit report.

What is a 609 dispute letter? ›

A Section 609 dispute letter allows consumers to request verification of accounts on their credit reports. If the disputed information cannot be verified within 30 to 45 days, the credit bureaus must remove it from your credit history.

Can you sue for incorrect credit reporting? ›

You have the right to bring a lawsuit.

Credit reporting companies that break the law can be held liable for damages and attorney fees. In the case of a willful failure to comply with the law, the company can be liable for actual or statutory damages and punitive damages.

How do I dispute an incorrect collection? ›

How do I dispute the debt? Within 30 days of receiving the written notice of debt, send a written dispute to the debt collection agency. You can use this sample dispute letter (PDF) as a model.

Who is responsible for correcting an error in a credit score? ›

CIBIL is not authorized to make any changes to the Credit Information Report (CIR). All disputes are sent to a credit institution, which ascertains if the dispute is legitimate. The changes have to be authenticated by the concerned credit institution, following which, the credit report can be updated.

What is the most common type of error on credit reports? ›

Some of the more common personal information or identity mistakes found on credit reports include: Incorrect addresses. Incorrect names. The wrong middle initial or middle name.

What are the three most common credit report errors? ›

Check for identity errors
  • Errors made to your identity information (wrong name, phone number, address)
  • Accounts belonging to another person with the same or a similar name as yours (mixing two consumers' information in a single file is called a mixed file)
  • Incorrect accounts resulting from identity theft.
Jan 29, 2024

Do 609 letters really work? ›

In general, a 609 letter is not a legal loophole that consumers can use to remove accurate information from their credit reports. This means they can't relieve you of any verifiable debt.

What is the difference between a 609 and 604 dispute letter? ›

A 609 letter can help you verify information and identify errors on your credit report. It can also uncover “hidden” details that don't show up in your free credit report. Section 604 explains the circ*mstances in which the credit bureaus can release your credit information to various entities.

What is a 611 letter? ›

The 611 credit dispute letter is a follow-up letter when a credit agency replies that they have verified the mentioned information. It requests the agency's verification method of the disputed information and refers to 611 Section of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

What is the 11 word credit loophole? ›

As soon as you use the 11-word phrase “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately” to stop the harassment, call us for a free consultation about what you can do to resolve your debt problems for good.

What is section 611 of the FCRA? ›

Section 611(c) of the FCRA provides: "Whenever a statement of dispute is filed, . . . the consumer reporting agency shall, in any subsequent consumer report containing the information in question, clearly note that it is disputed by the consumer and provide either the consumer's statement or a clear and accurate ...

Do goodwill letters work? ›

Do goodwill letters work? Your lender is not obligated to honor your goodwill adjustment request or help remove negative marks from your credit report. “It's likely they could say yes; it's likely they could say no, and I think there's an equal chance of either response,” McClary said.

What is the first step when disputing a billing error? ›

To dispute a charge, send a letter to your credit card company's address for billing inquiries or errors. Your credit card company will investigate the dispute. If it resolves it in your favor, it will remove or fix the charge.

What is the best reason to put when disputing a collection? ›

You should dispute a debt if you believe you don't owe it or the information and amount is incorrect. While you can submit your dispute at any time, sending it in writing within 30 days of receiving a validation notice, which can be your initial communication with the debt collector.

How do you get something removed from your credit report? ›

How to remove negative items from your credit report yourself
  1. Get a free copy of your credit report. ...
  2. File a dispute with the credit reporting agency. ...
  3. File a dispute directly with the creditor. ...
  4. Review the claim results. ...
  5. Hire a credit repair service. ...
  6. Send a request for “goodwill deletion” ...
  7. Work with a credit counseling agency.
Mar 19, 2024


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