AEW Dynamite results, live blog (June 12, 2024): Ospreay & Moné title defenses (2024)

Here’s a place to check results and comment along with a new episode of AEW Dynamite, airing tonight (June 12) at 8 pm ET on TBS.

This week’s episode comes our way from Des Moines, Iowa’s Wells Fargo Arena, and will feature the latest build for their Forbidden Door PPV with New Japan Pro-Wrestling on June 30!

That will include International champion Will Ospreay defending against Rey Fenix and Mercedes Moné putting her TBS title on the line against CMLL’s Zeuxis!

We’ll also get Dustin Rhodes & Jack Perry battling for a spot in the PPV’s Ladder Match for the vacant TNT title, RUSH in action one week after he interrupted MJF’s latest promo, Private Party on Chris Jericho’s “TV Time”, a trios bout pitting Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly against Roderick Strong, Kyle Fletcher & Konosuke Takesh*ta, a word from World champ Swerve Strickland... and more!

Come right back here at 8pm ET when the Dynamite live blog kicks off once the show starts on TBS. It will be below this line here.

Enjoy the show!


Nowhere to run, your fate is in his hands. Your time has come, you’ll live to his command. I’m warning you, the worst is yet to come, but first I’m going to liveblog this pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with Shane “Swerve” Strickland making his entrance, flanked by Prince Nana as usual.

He hypes up the card for Forbidden Door by way of his main event AEW World Championship defense against Will Ospreay. He talks about how he respects Will as a fighting champion, unlike some EVPs who haven’t defended their titles since winning them.

This brings the Elite out, Kazuchika Okada telling him to stop because this is his house, bitch. Matthew Jackson tells him to cool it and apologizes but notes they have some business to take care of that involves Swerve. They talk about the trail of destruction they’ve left and half the roster being gone because of them.

It feels good but the trolls and the bots still doubt them and even the boys in the back don’t think they’re violent enough, so they’re going to challenge AEW’s best in the most violent match in AEW— Blood & Guts!

They get in the ring and Matthew talks about how they actually like Swerve, because he’s a cool young champion just like them, and he asks if Strickland wants to stand with winners and change the world. Blood & Guts is five on five and there’s only four of them, so they ask him if he wants to be the fifth man.

They have a pair of Young Bucks Reeboks for him to seal the deal! Shane says first of all he doesn’t wear a size nine, second, nobody wears pearl necklaces anymore (yeah even with the 1959 gimmick I’m more of a gay lil neckerchief gal), third, he’s a businessman and he does his own stuff, four, he’s a philanthropist, at which Nana throws the shoes into the crowd!

They say the injury bug just landed on Swerve— THE ACCLAIMED MAKE THE SAVE!

Christopher Daniels comes down to regulate and get the show moving and orders all of them backstage right this minute, except for Jack Perry, because he’s got a match!

“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. “SCAPEGOAT” Jack Perry (AEW TNT Championship Qualifying Match)

Rhodes on him early, Perry pulls off a turnbuckle pad, referee Aubrey Edwards discards it and they fight to the floor! Jack puts him into the post and into the steps, mats pulled up, Dustin manages to spike him but he’s busted open as we go to break!

Back from commercial, Jack in control and choking Rhodes, snap scoop powerslam cuts him off as soon as he lets up! Bulldog, pressing the attack, crimson mask in full effect, Edwards distracted getting rid of a chair and Dustin kicks him low! Flip, Flop, & Fly into the Bionic Elbow, inverted facelock... SCAPEGOAT KICKS OUT OF CROSS RHODES!

Out to the floor, Perry spikes him on the exposed concrete, Aubrey counts but Dustin beats the count! Low blow from the SCAPEGOAT, Rhodes flips him the bird, defiant to the last...

“SCAPEGOAT” Jack Perry wins by pinfall with a running knee, qualifying for the AEW TNT Championship ladder match at Forbidden Door.

Renee Paquette interviews Kyle O’Reilly, Orange Cassidy, and Mark Briscoe.

KOR is confident they can work together tonight and then fight on Saturday, and Orange says there’s one person he knows will have his back, and Willow Nightingale rolls up.

Briscoe says you can’t get where you’re going by looking in the rear view mirror, and they have a conglomeration of dangerous individuals tonight, and Kyle’s gonna snatch your leg off and kick you in your face, Orange is the main man with the plan who’ll rock your jaw, and he’s the most dangerous unpredictable man in pro wrestling, and you can just get your ass whooped!

Cassidy admits he’s not doing great after the other leave. Me too, pal.

Deonn Rusman vs. Rush

Rush blasts him with a flying forearm out the gates and that sets the tone. Throwing him around ringside...

Rush wins by pinfall.

Post-match, Rush grabs a mic from ringside and comes back to the ring to step on Rusman’s neck while he cuts a promo. He calls him a typical weak American like all of us and hammers him with elbows and kicks in the corner... MAXWELL JACOB FRIEDMAN MAKES THE SAVE!

They brawl in the ring, trading punches with abandon, fighting to the outside, MJF throws him over the barricade and they head into the crowd! The brawl continues into the back, Friedman slams Rush through a table, Rush throws a trash can at his head, the locker room empties, it rules.

We’re informed that MJF and Rush will meet in commercial free action to open next week’s show.

Commentary hypes up the rest of tonight’s show and we go to break.

Konosuke Takesh*ta, Kyle Fletcher, & Roderick Strong vs. Kyle O’Reilly, Mark Briscoe, & Orange Cassidy

Don Callis is on commentary for this one.

Strong and Cassidy to start, but both men tag out and it’s O’Reilly and Fletcher. Circling, Kyle with an arm wringer and a tag to Briscoe, chops in the ropes, whip reversed, Redneck Kung Fu in full effect! Tag to Takesh*ta, trading elbows, Konosuke claws his face, Orange in, big knee from the Alpha!

Action fountaining out to the floor, Orange the last one in the ring, surveying the scene... SPRINGBOARD SENTON ATOMICO TO THE FLOOR! Cassidy jawing with Trent Beretta, Takesh*ta takes full advantage and knocks his block off with an elbow to send us to break!

Back from commercial, O’Reilly blasts Strong with a boot, elbows, a dragon screw on Konosuke but Fletcher is legal! Strike rush from KOR, Takesh*ta hobbles in, up and over, roll under, malfunction at the junction for the heels and then O’Reilly dragon screws Konosuke INTO Fletcher!

Tag to Briscoe, kicks and punches on Fletcher, trading chops with Roddy, big elbow, crane kick blocked but Mark gets him on the second try! Clobbering Strong out of the corner and to the floor, blind tag from Cassidy, slingshot kick, cannonball off the apron, throwing Fletcher back inside, Orange is ready... KYLE FLETCHER KICKS OUT OF THE DIVING DDT!

Match breaking down, everybody doing something cool, off the ropes, Stundog Millionaire into Ax and Smash, Total Elimination! Orange back up top, Fletcher with a boot, hooking him, Mark with a blind tag, turnbuckle brainbuster but he’s not legal! FROGGY BOW! STRONG BREAKS IT UP! KOR with a guillotine choke on Strong, Mark with underhooks, Konosuke in, elbow, running knee connects!

Fletcher takes advantage...

Konosuke Takesh*ta, Kyle Fletcher, & Roderick Strong win by pinfall with a piledriver from Fletcher on Mark Briscoe.

Post-match, Beretta attacks Orange while Don Callis’ other men attack Kyle O’Reilly! Willow Nightingale makes the save... or tries to, but Kris Statlander throws her out of the entry and Stokely Hathaway cuts a promo.

He tries to wake her up and tells her there’s a message for her when she watches this back— the next time she gets in their business, they’re gonna drag her to the ER, not to the stage.

And so we go to break.

Renee Paquette is backstage with Rey Fenix and says he told her he knows just how good Rey Fenix is, but he’s one of one.

Christopher Daniels cuts a promo about how the Elite are going to have to do title eliminator matches with no seconds allowed at ringside.

HOOK & Samoa Joe vs. Premier Athlete Brand (Ari Daivari & Tony Nese)

Joe and HOOK blindside the Premier Athletes and once we get a bell, Samoa lights Nese up with jabs in the corner! Tag to HOOK, lariats, Tony double legs him into the corner and tags Daivari in for double-teams! HOOK dodges a dive with Joe’s trademark sidestep, Tazplex on Nese but Mark Sterling runs interference and Ari puts boots to him!

Katsuyori Shibata takes Sterling out at ringside, Joe chokes Tony, HOOK has Daivari...

HOOK & Samoa Joe win by submission with Redrum from HOOK on Ari Daivari.

Shibata chokes “Smart” Mark out for good measure.

Stephanie Vaquer cuts a promo about Mercedes Mone, calling her out for her arrogance.

Mercedes Mone (c) vs. Zeuxis (AEW TBS Championship)

Circling, collar and elbow, Zeuxis backs her into the corner! Pace heating up, Mone gets a few good licks in, cover for two in the corner, bridging pin gets Zeuxis an equal and opposite cover! Flash roundhouse, feeling herself, dropkick sends Mercedes to the floor! Off the ropes, suicide dive connects and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Zeuxis with a double knee bow-and-arrow, Mone reverses to a cover, catches a kick, returns one of her own! Off the ropes, fireman’s carry, Zeuxis with a Liger Bomb... NOPE! Fireman’s carry, reversed into a Hurricanrana, only two! Zeuxis rams her into the corner, shoulder blocks, big slap, boot up to block!

Mercedes with a sunset flip, blocked, short Meteora connects, again only a nearfall! Corner knees from Mone, off the second, Meteora proper... SO CLOSE! Snap suplex, another one, Three Amigos attempt, blocked, Zeuxis reverses, underhooks... DOUBLE UNDERHOOK CODEBREAKER CAN’T PUT HER AWAY!

I have to step away for a moment and miss the finish but...

Mercedes Mone retains the AEW TBS Championship.

We get a Mina Shirakawa hype reel.

Renee Paquette interviews Toni Storm as she strokes Mariah May’s hair.

May cuts her off to thank Storm for entering her into the Owen Hart tournament and she informs Toni she wants to do a contract signing next week, and Paquette informs her she has a match on Rampage next week.

“Big” Bill Morrissey is in the ring to welcome us to TV Time with the Learning Tree.

Chris Jericho and Bryan Keith make their entrance and Jericho gets on the mic.

He thanks all the branches for supporting his new t-shirt that just went up fifteen minutes ago. He talks about eating some local corn and finding it wanting because in his expert opinion in the pH of the soil was off. Anyway, he introduces Private Party as his guests tonight.

Y2J says they’ve been doing great work but not winning matches, and it’s because whoever trained them isn’t very good (which seeing as they were trained by Amazing Red...) and their basics aren’t up to snuff. Chris claims his Dungeon training from Stu Hart and says they don’t even climb the ropes right.

They ask him to show them, and he obliges and climbs the turnbuckles “properly” and Private Party offer a lesson of their own, tripping him up in the turnbuckles! Diving on Big Bill and Bryan Keith, senton atomico on Chris and Quen follows it with a diving shooting star press!

We get a video package for Jon Moxley’s Forbidden Door defence of the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship at Forbidden Door against Tetsuya Naito and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Bang Bang Gang are backstage complaining that House of Black are getting all the attention on the one-year anniversary of Collision and they propose a trios match on Saturday.

“Red Death” Daniel Garcia vs. Nick Comoroto

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard is on commentary for this one.

Garcia hot out the gates, we see Will Ospreay watching backstage as Comoroto grabs a military press but Daniel slips out and back suplexes him! We see Maxwell Jacob Friedman watching as well! Guillotine choke applied, snapping it into a lifting DDT...

Daniel Garcia wins by pinfall with a lifting DDT.

Renee Paquette interviews Will Ospreay backstage.

He says he’s feeling fine and he’d love to sit and chat about how great Garcia is but his mind is elsewhere and he’s got a match to handle and a contract to hand over, and we go to break.

Back from commercial, PAC cuts a promo admitting his return isn’t what he wanted, loss after loss, humiliating. So he’s going to enter and win the Owen Hart Cup and claim his title match at Wembley, because he’ll be damned if a talent of his caliber never gets his moment and never wins the biggest prize in the industry.

And Death Triangle haven’t forgotten what Bang Bang Gang did to them.

Will Ospreay gives Shane Strickland a contract on his way to the ring.

Rey Fenix vs. Will Ospreay (c) (AEW International Championship)

Slugging it out and trading forearm strikes, ducking kicks, whip across, handspring Ace Crusher blocked and they stalemate! Off the ropes, ducking elbows, Fenix snaps off a Frankensteiner that puts Ospreay on the floor! Springboard ropewalk, nobody home, ducking and dodging, off the ropes, big boot from Will!

Plancha, nobody home, Ospreay lands on his feet, Fenix dives with a Frankensteiner, back inside, frog splash, cover for two and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Fenix with a whip, reversed, satellite octopus hold, Ospreay breaks out, cover for two, up top, step-up solebutt from Rey! Will laying punches in, avalanche Frankensteiner from Fenix... OSPREAY LANDS ON HIS FEET! Off the ropes, satellite DDT, but this time Rey pops up!

Trading crescent kicks, Fenix ducks Hidden Blade, stereo roundhouse kicks, rolling solebutt, whip reversed, rolling Michinoku Driver of sorts... SO CLOSE! And we go to break.

Back from commercial, Ospreay in control, throwing elbows in the middle of the ring, Fenix back to the octopus hold, shifting to a crucifix driver... OSPREAY KICKS OUT! Moonsault into a German suplex, bridging for two! Back and forth, victory roll for two, front kick, whip reversed, dropkick into an enzuigiri!

Will springboards, OsCutter blocked, back suplex, lands on his feet, OsCutter connects this time! Ospreay throws his elbow pad away, Fenix pops up, Hurricanrana for two! Superkick, rolling thunder countered with Hidden Blade! Will off the top, looking at Swerve... SWERVE STOMP! Charging in...

Will Ospreay wins by pinfall with Hidden Blade, retaining the AEW International Championship.

Post-match, Shane Strickland gets in the ring and Will Ospreay offers a hand.

Strickland calls him an immature little child and says he can’t hold both worlds on his shoulders and he’s not strong enough. Ospreay yanks the world title away from him and holds both belts. He puts the International title on one shoulder and the world title on the other and spares a glance for the camera before turning to face Shane.

Swerve takes his title back and gets in his ear and tells him he’s lucky they’re still friends, because if he was anybody else, he’d put him in the grave.

That’s the show, folks.

AEW Dynamite results, live blog (June 12, 2024): Ospreay & Moné title defenses (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.